Kat Polo

Fighting Parkinsons Disease and Spreading Awareness Part I

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month: Quinton Agosta Ortho-Kinetics® Professional Trainer, shares information on the disease. If you have Parkinson’s, know someone with Parkinson’s Disease or know someone who is struggling with balance and strength issues, we hope this information will be a helpful guide. When I graduated from college with a degree in exercise science, […]

Fighting Parkinsons Disease and Spreading Awareness Part I Read More »

Lessons on aging

Michael Rosenthal, Co-Owner and General Manager Island Fitness An article published in the Washington Post on January 16th caused quite a stir. The story references Richard Morgan, a 93-year old man “with the aerobic engine of a healthy 30- or 40-year-old and the body-fat percentage of a whippet”. Furthermore, “…in many ways, he’s an exemplar

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As a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Ortho-Kinetics Professional Trainer, and a former 2 sport college athlete, I’ve been strength training with many different modalities my entire life. Olympic lifting, strength training, plyometrics, speed training, I’ve done it all, or so I thought. I was lucky enough to marry a woman who has very similar


thankful thursdays november 2023

We are SO thankful we are inviting Members to SHARE what you love about Island Fitness by bringing your friends for FREE every Thursday in November! Guests: You are invited! Each Thursday in November come to the gym with your friend who is a member at no cost. Member: During the month of November Members can bring

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Air Quality and Why it Matters. 

It’s impossible not to be aware of air quality these days as we brace for smoke. While we all understand the benefits of exercising, exercising outdoors during periods of unhealthy air quality can do more harm than good. Breathing through our noses offers some protection, but when we are under physical exertion, we inhale deeply,

Air Quality and Why it Matters.  Read More »