A farewell note from Carol O’Neill:

September 24th, I will be ‘kissing Island Fitness good-bye’, as Dave Lopez & I start our grand adventure in the South.
We are excited about exploring new places, spending time with family there, seeing our new house come together and getting to know the people in our new neighborhood. I am sad to be leaving my Island Fitness family, but read on, I’m not separating entirely. I have worked for Island Fitness for 18 years (!) alongside amazing, caring, inspiring people. I am grateful to have worked for Michael and Alexa Rosenthal, in many aspects of their business and feel honored to be part of our training team, massage team and management team. I will continue to work for Island Fitness remotely, training virtually, helping with marketing & returning to do massage a few times a year.
IF you are asking why a move to Alabama read on…?
In late January Dave and I revisited an ongoing discussion about downsizing in order to spend more time in Alabama with Dave’s family there (particularly his grand-kids, who are growing fast!).
We kept seeing houses in our neighborhood selling like hot cakes and thinking we should sell our house. Problem was, we were looking and not finding anything to downsize to! We both came to the same conclusion – it was time to make the leap & reverse our plan – sell the house, move to Alabama, and come back here to visit/spend part of the year. With Dave retiring in July after 40 years with the DOD, we put the plan in motion.
In the last 8 months or so, we have prepped, staged & sold our home, moved to an apartment, traveled to Alabama to purchase a new build in a new housing development and, with all of this happening, in June we made it official and got married.
It has been crazy, exciting, stressful & above all good! …good to be setting our course together and to be pulling in the same direction.
I am so very grateful for our community & family support! Not only do I plan to keep in touch, I’ll remain involved in marketing (yet another of my hats at Island Fitness) and still train virtually and I’ll and be back to visit & do massage here periodically.
All the best,