Have you tried TRX?

The TRX is an amazing and versatile piece of equipment. Beginner to advanced.

Myth # 1: TRX is too hard.

Truth: Its for everybody.

TRX provides the flexibility you need to find your OWN level in each exercise. You can completely personalize your workout with a few simple adjustments.

Example: Row or Pull exercises. Facing your anchor point you can adjust your challenge by taking half to a full step backwards decreasing the challenge or stepping forward to increase the challenge.

Try a drop-set by doing as many reps as you can with good form at an angle that is somewhat challenging to you. As soon as your form starts to suffer – adjust level by stepping back and continue your reps until you complete your set. Adjusting the challenge along the way as needed to complete all your reps.

Interested, but think it feels scary? Follow this link to hear Iskra Lawrence, Body Acceptance Activist, as she debunks the myths of TRX and why it’s good for ANY BODY, anywhere (but especially better at Island Fitness).